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Great Quotes on Wisdom |
People say time changes things, but
it's not true. Doing things changes things.
Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were.
- Great Quotes on Wisdom
Great Quotes on Wisdom |
Detach from needing to have things
work out a certain way. The universe
is perfect and there are no failures. Give
yourself the gift of detaching from your
worries and trust that everything is happening
- Great Quotes on Wisdom
half empty, my only response is that
I am thankful I have a cup.
- Great Quotes on Wisdom
Great Quotes on Wisdom |
Truth is like a surgery.
It hurts but cures. Lie
is like a pain killer. It
gives relief but has side
effects forever.
- Great Quotes on Wisdom
is we do not listen to understand.
We listen to reply.
- Great Quotes on Wisdom
Your patience when you
have nothing, and your attitude
when you have everything.
- Great Quotes on Wisdom